S&D; Group President in the European Parliament


«Our future is in Brussels», my interview for the Corriere del Mezzogiorno


Our future is in the hands of Brussels: all economic political decisions are made in Europe. And it’s not only about guidelines, but also about resources. Whatever my role will be, I will give it my all because I have a vision of Europe.

Tax, ports, high speed transport links, the government has to think about the south

A president must be elected for the Port of Naples, but also of great importance is to complete the high speed train line to reach Reggio Calabria and Bari. And then targated objectives for the economy in the south. I’m appealing to the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi.

Venti del Sud: 20 ideas to change direction in the south

I want to reunite 20 people from the south are needed, who know how to explain, in 5 minutes, what can actually be done to change direction in the south.

A balanced budget in 2016? Italy is being asked.

First and foremost Italy and the economic growth. Then, as promised and explained by the Minister Padoan, we will finally stabilise the budget. Italy is being asked.

“I’m only in second place? that’s for the citizens to decide”, my interview for «Il Mattino»


My attachment to the European cause is unbreakable: I’ve never considered dropping it in order to return to Italy. Because it’s on European ground where you have to fight your battles and where you’ll find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Italy takes office in the EU Parliament

It is time that Italy took office in the European Parliament. All the national conditions and community conditions are in place, because the Italian government brings home results.

Heading towards a true relaunch of Alitalia after Renzi-Hogan meeting

A step towards a serious relaunch of Alitalia, after the failures of Berlusconi and his courageous captains, paid very highly from Italian taxes. The meeting between Matteo Renzi and the managing director of Etihad, James Hogan, shows that we are heading in the right direction.

The United Kingdom should remain part of the EU, but without an ultimatum

The United Kingdom ought to remain a part of the EU. I hope that the next European parliamentary term will be “accepted”, in order to reform the treaties and lay the foundations to construct the United States of Europe.

57 years of the European Economic Community, there’s still a lot to do

57 years ago, the Treaty which established the European Economic Community was signed in Rome. From then on, a lot has changed and there is a lot more to change. The spark to trigger this process is the vote on March 25.

The EU isn’t turning a blind eye to the violence in Venezuela

Catherine Ashton and the EU are thinking about concrete measures to take in case the Venezuelan Government perservere in violating civil liberties, threatening the safety of many European citizens resident in the country.

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   Alessia Setaro ci racconta la sua storia ed il perchè ha scelto di restare qui #sudprotagonista
 Io ho votato. Vi ricordo che è possibile farlo fino alle 23 di questa sera e che ci stiamo recando alle urne per eleggere i 73 rappresentanti Italiani in Parlamento Europeo.  Ora a Viggiano (Pz) #sudprotagonista

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