S&D; Group President in the European Parliament


“The Fiscal Compact is going to change”, my interview for the Milano Finanza


Suspending the budgetary contraints for countries in recession or a state of deflation and withdrawing productive investments from the Stability Pact. The European tax rules need to be changed in this respect.

More growth for a new Europe


Either we make Europe, or it dies. These elections signal a major breakthrough. This Europe is going to change. An EU without a foreign, industrial and immigration policy is no longer conceivable, without a ECB which supports the euro. Italy and the Pd party are campaigning to change this Europe.

Working towards a leading position for the south in Italy and in Europe.


A warm welcome from almost 300 volunteer suporters, who, yesterday, opened my politcal campagin for the European elections, from the Marittima Station in Naples. A campaign which will contain a central theme: The south as a leading body.

Dear Grillo, won’t convince Merkel with bumbling antics

Beppe Grillo

From Dudù to mafia killings, from insults to international flops. This is Grillo. This is his electoral programme for the European elections. Nothing more. Zero projects. Zero ideas. Zero concrete propositions.

Two years ago in Brussles, we remember Angelo Vassallo

Angelo Vassallo, sindaco di Pollica

Two years ago, the story of Angelo Vassallo, ‘The Fisherman Mayor’ of Pollica, brutally murdered on the night of September 5, 2010, reached Brussels and the European Parliament. I had really hoped that Europe would hear about it.

Government egos are responsible for the latest Lampedusa tragedy

Migranti sbarcano a Lampedusa

Another tragedy at sea. And once again we go around in sackcloth and ashes, cursing Europe for its guilty negligence. But the only guilty ones, once again, are the governments which make up the EU.

According to the Financial Times, I am among the 25 politicians to follow after the May 25 elections

Financial Times, 8th May 2014

The Financial Times, the biggest economics and finance newspaper in the United Kingdom, if not the biggest in the world, has selected me among the top 25 people to keep an eye out for in the make-up of the next European Parliament

Strengthening and not dismantling the original RAI offices

La sede RAI di Firenze

RAI definitely needs to be changed, but the mission of providing a public service should remain: informing and guaranteeing the right of representaion of specific cultural, industrial and social characteristics of the local areas.

Matteo Salvini is only using the south to gain votes

Matteo Salvini

I am genuinely sorry for Matteo Salvini, because Naples is a city, which over the years, has warmly welcomed everyone. And I mean everyone. But I sincerely understand the constitution’s reasons against those who have always continued under the political banner of racist teachings, of the country’s divide and of stealing funds and finances set aside for the south.

Migrant flows should be controlled by the European Union. More influence needed.

Migranti sbarcano a Lampedusa

The European Commission should govern the migrant flows, otherwise the burden falls fully on Italy’s shoulders. The migrant flow spreads out to every European country, following the principle of proportionality in a mandatory fashion.

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   Alessia Setaro ci racconta la sua storia ed il perchè ha scelto di restare qui #sudprotagonista
 Io ho votato. Vi ricordo che è possibile farlo fino alle 23 di questa sera e che ci stiamo recando alle urne per eleggere i 73 rappresentanti Italiani in Parlamento Europeo.  Ora a Viggiano (Pz) #sudprotagonista

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