S&D; Group President in the European Parliament

Beyond the peace agreement in Ukraine lie unpredictable consequences

Pace fra Ucraina e Russia

Commenting on the agreement reached in Minsk between Russia and Ukraine, the president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, Gianni Pittella said:

“The peace deal reached in Minsk represents probably the only hope we have for a comprehensive and lasting agreement based on respect for Ukrainian territorial integrity and respect for Russian minorities in Ukraine’s eastern regions.

“Every day of peace in the midst of war, death and violence is a great success.

“This confirms that the diplomatic way is the only way to reach a solid peace deal.

“Now all forces on the ground should stick to this agreement. Should someone breach the ceasefire to boycott the agreement, they will have to face their responsibility in front of the whole world, with unpredictable consequences.”

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